Patanjali Ayurved Apologizes to Supreme Court for Misleading Advertisements

Patanjali Ayurved Founder yoga guru Baba Ramdev Apologizes to SC

Patanjali Ayurved Founder yoga guru Baba Ramdev Apologizes to Supreme Court for Misleading Advertisements

Patanjali Ayurved, the popular Indian consumer goods company, has issued an unconditional apology to the Supreme Court of India for airing misleading advertisements. The company, known for its wide range of Ayurvedic products, has expressed regret for any confusion or misinformation caused by their marketing campaigns.

The Background

Patanjali Ayurved, founded by renowned yoga guru Baba Ramdev, has gained significant popularity over the years for its natural and Ayurvedic products. The company has been known for its emphasis on traditional Indian medicine and its commitment to providing natural and Healthy alternatives to consumers.

However, in recent times, Patanjali Ayurved has faced criticism for its advertising claims. Several of their advertisements have been accused of being misleading and making false promises. These claims have raised concerns among consumers and regulatory bodies alike.

The Apology

In response to the allegations and concerns raised, Patanjali Ayurved has taken the responsible step of issuing an unconditional apology to the Supreme Court. The company has acknowledged that certain advertisements may have been misleading and has expressed regret for any confusion caused among consumers.

Patanjali Ayurved has assured the Supreme Court that they will take appropriate measures to rectify the situation and ensure that their future advertisements comply with the necessary guidelines and regulations. The company has also expressed its commitment to providing accurate and reliable information to consumers.

The Impact

The apology from Patanjali Ayurved marks an important step towards addressing the concerns raised by consumers and regulatory bodies. It demonstrates the company’s willingness to take responsibility for any misleading claims and their commitment to rectifying the situation.

By acknowledging the need for accuracy and transparency in their advertising campaigns, Patanjali Ayurved is setting a positive example for other companies in the industry. This apology serves as a reminder that companies have a responsibility to provide truthful and reliable information to consumers.

Furthermore, this incident highlights the importance of consumer awareness and the need for regulatory bodies to ensure that advertising claims are substantiated and accurate. Consumers should be cautious and informed when making purchasing decisions, and regulatory bodies should continue to monitor and enforce advertising guidelines.

Additionally, Patanjali Ayurved should work closely with regulatory bodies to ensure that their future advertising campaigns are compliant with the necessary guidelines. This collaboration will help rebuild the company’s reputation and establish a stronger foundation of trust with consumers.

Consumers, on the other hand, should continue to be discerning and critical when evaluating advertising claims. It is important to do thorough research and seek reliable sources of information before making purchasing decisions.


The unconditional apology issued by Patanjali Ayurved to the Supreme Court for airing misleading advertisements is a significant step towards addressing the concerns raised by consumers and regulatory bodies. It reflects the company’s commitment to transparency and their willingness to rectify any misleading claims.

As consumers, it is important to remain vigilant and informed when evaluating advertising claims. Regulatory bodies play a crucial role in ensuring that companies adhere to advertising guidelines and provide accurate information to consumers.