New Mpox Strain in Congo, Warn WHO Scientists

WHO, Scientists Warn on New Mpox Strain in Congo

Mpox strain in Congo, Africa needs to be addressed urgently, the World Health Organization

Mpox strain in Congo, In a recent development, the World Health Organization (WHO) and a consortium of international scientists have raised alarms over a newly identified strain of mpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The strain, which has shown significant genetic variation from previously known types, poses a potential global health risk due to its increased transmissibility and potential resistance to current vaccines and treatments.

Emergence of a New Threat

The discovery was made following an unusual surge in mpox cases in the DRC over the past few months. Epidemiologists working in the region reported an increase in severe cases, prompting further investigation. Genetic sequencing of the virus samples revealed the presence of mutations that differentiate this strain from those previously circulating in Africa and other parts of the world.

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s Technical Lead on Emerging Diseases, emphasized the urgency of the situation. “The new strain of mpox in Congo is concerning due to its enhanced ability to spread and potential resistance to our existing medical countermeasures. We are working closely with local health authorities and international partners to contain its spread and understand its implications fully.”

International Response and Preventive Measures

In response to the outbreak, the WHO has mobilized a rapid response team to the DRC. This team is providing support in terms of diagnostics, treatment, and containment strategies. Additionally, there is a heightened focus on vaccination campaigns in affected areas to prevent further spread.

Professor Jean-Jacques Muyembe, a leading virologist in the DRC, highlighted the importance of immediate action. “We must act swiftly to prevent this strain from becoming a global threat. Increased surveillance, vaccination, and public awareness are crucial in our fight against this virus.”

Global Implications

The emergence of this new mpox strain underscores the need for robust global health systems and preparedness. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, called for international solidarity and cooperation. “The fight against infectious diseases requires a united global effort. We urge countries to support the DRC in managing this outbreak and to strengthen their own preparedness and response systems.”

Scientists around the world are now focusing on understanding the new strain’s characteristics, including its transmission dynamics and potential impacts on vaccine efficacy. Collaborative research efforts are underway to develop updated vaccines and treatments that can effectively combat this variant.


The warning from the WHO and scientists about the new mpox strain in Congo serves as a stark reminder of the ever-present threat posed by infectious diseases. As the global community works together to address this challenge, the need for vigilance, preparedness, and rapid response has never been more apparent. Continued support and collaboration will be essential in mitigating the impact of this emerging health threat.